Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't grow in it?

An article I just recently read stated that the sex ratio for adopted children is "56 boys for every hundred girls" (Gravois, 2004). This blew me away. I knew the numbers of adoptive parents requesting/adopting girls were higher, but I had no idea they were that much higher. This is a pretty good article, stating the author's opinion about why the preference exists, if anyone is interested:

Bringing Up Babes: Why do Adoptive Parents Prefer Girls?

On the adoption front: ONLY SIX MORE DAYS!! :-)


Anonymous said...

Your turning into such a night owl being on Jamie's schedule! (posted at 1:20AM)

What an interesting statistic! Personally, I've done baby girls twice and wouldn't even think about doing it again! :+)

Only 6 more days. I just did, yet another, happy dance for you!

Denise Bryant said...

That is an interesting article. I have 4 sisters and could not imagine our biological daughter growing up without a sister and that's why we are adopting a girl. If we had only 1 boy or no boys right now, I would LOVE to adopt a boy! Boys are actually easier to raise than girls, I think.

Deanna said...

Marissa: Yes, baby girls are fun, but they grow up to be beautiful teenagers who stress you out just by walking down the street :) Just kidding... sort of.

Denise: I completely understand that reasoning. If my daughter were younger, I would probably hope for a girl so she would have a sister. I think that there are MILLIONS of different reasons out there and the author only touched on a few. The most interesting one was that the women tend to "wear the pants" when it comes to the adoption. I had never thought of that one before, but I think he is probably right. Either way, it was interesting food for thought.

Sarah and Tim said...

Very interesting! I actually mentioned something about this to our agency way back and they didn't really say much about it. My thinking was that since we have a preference for a boy our paperwork would move along faster... doesn't appear to be the case, though.

April said...

Very interesting article. It is also interesting to get a couple of personal examples of why people choose one sex over another.

Personal info from me: My most difficult child by far is a boy! LOL

5 Days!

Deanna said...

Sarah & Tim: Yeah, probably doesn't move the paperwork along any faster, but I am sure it will help with the referral time frame. Thanks for stopping by and good luck on your adoption! I look forward to reading more about it :)

April: Yes, but your most difficult child is such a DOLL! ;) (My most difficult child is a girl LOL)