Why does unscented hairspray smell?
Wow! Can you believe that there are only three more days before we leave? Not only that, but we don't even get a partial day on Thursday, our flight leaves Detroit at 6:10am! I have a continuous nervous/excited stomach. It is difficult to sit down and type, but I felt that I should at least get one more good update in before we leave.
I had some forced down time recently - as I am sure many of you in my area did as well. The day I brought Taylor home from her final Driver's Training (YIKES! She passed!) we walked into to our house to find that we had lost power. From Thursday to Saturday evening there is pretty much nothing to do but read. I know it sounds like fun, but when you have laundry to do and no end in sight on the power outage, it was kind of stressful.
Saturday we drove over to see the McKinney family and their new addition, Mikias. Ben and Joanna went to pick up their son from Ethiopia in June. They also met Kidus while in Ethiopia because he was in the same orphanage. They got us the great videos and pictures of Kidus. It was so exciting to see them again and know that the next time we get together with them our sons will be reunited.As you can see, their son Mikias is adorable. He is such a good natured little guy!
They made us a great lunch and filled us in on all the little tips they could to make our trip more comfortable. It was so much fun and I feel so much more informed! For instance, Ben and Joanna filled us in on the fact that Kidus is actually in Addis Ababa (the town we are staying). We thought he was still in Debre Zeit (about an hour south of Addis). We are so excited about this because it means that we may be able to meet him on Saturday since we get into Addis early in the morning.
The fact that Kidus was moved after he was referred to us also makes me a little said for him. This means that he spent six months at one orphanage, bonding with them. Then he spent the last four months at the new orphanage, bonding with them. I truly started to mourn for his losses these last few days. These people that have been taking care of him are so important to him right now... I know that he will be bonded with us in no time, but that doesn't change the fact that he is not even a year old and will have experienced two major losses already. Adoption is certainly a bitter-sweet endeavor.
Well, time is a-wasting while I sit here typing. Here is our flight schedule, for those interested:
Thursday, August 30, 6:10am - Leave Detroit Metro
Thursday, August 30, 7:38am - Arrive in Washington-Dulles
Friday, August 31, 9:45am - Leave Washington-Dulles
Saturday, September 1, 8:15am - Arrive Addis Ababa
Friday, September 7, 10:15pm - Leave Addis Ababa
Saturday, September 8, 8:10am - Arrive Washington-Dulles
Saturday, September 8, 12:10pm - Leave Washington-Dulles
Saturday, September 8, 1:55pm - Arrive Detroit Metro
I will try and post one more time before we leave. Thank you everyone for your prayers! We have certainly been feeling them!
Really it's 2 days because today is practically over and Thursday doesn't count and actually you will be really busy the next couple of days so that will go by really fast and you will be sleeping some of it and it will all be really exciting and a total whirlwind with all the new experiences so actually I think you are already back!
Man, I am so excited for you guys. I hope you are able to post in ET. We will be praying for your safe travel and a great time of bonding with Kidus and your whole family.
That is great that you were able to meet with the McKinneys and learn some first hand information. I'm excited for you, too!
So excited for you! Wow, just the flight schedule (time change) boggles my mind so I can imagine these preparations might be headache-inducing! We'll be praying for you!!!!
Oooooh, how exciting!!! It'll be here before you know it! I'll be praying that travel goes well, and that you all stay well while in country. What a wild adventure you're in for! Have a FANTASTIC time!!! I can hardly wait to read about it.
James & Deanna--- we are SO excited for you guys! I can't wait to hear all about your precious little boy, how your time goes in Africa, etc. etc. etc. I hope you can blog a time or two while you're there!!!!!! Cheers! God is so good!!!!
Less than one day now! I'm so excited for you and trying not to be jealous :+)
I am excited, anxious & hopeful for you. I am looking forward to our sons growing up together & being friends. Remember that your pure love for Kidus will drive to you do the right things for him as you become a new family!
I know I'm a bit behind in posting to this blog. I hope your trip was wonderful. What I really want to say is how blown my mind is in reading how real your journey is right now. I've just starting reading everyone's blogs, and up to this point, only have exposure mostly to my own experience, which for the most part is still very surreal (waiting for I-171H). I honestly can't tell you what I feel to watch someone at 'the end' and 'the beginning'. All my best to you.
I know I'm a bit behind in posting to this blog. I hope your trip was wonderful. What I really want to say is how blown my mind is in reading how real your journey is right now. I've just starting reading everyone's blogs, and up to this point, only have exposure mostly to my own experience, which for the most part is still very surreal (waiting for I-171H). I honestly can't tell you what I feel to watch someone at 'the end' and 'the beginning'. All my best to you.
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