Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What is the speed of dark?

I had a really funny "duh!" moment this morning that I thought I would share.

Since I was having peanut butter toast, I got to thinking that since Seth is almost a year old he was old enough to have peanut butter. I got online and went to a medical site that addressed the question "When is your child old enough to have peanut butter?" According so the website, if you and your family have no known peanut allergies, a year old is perfectly fine to try giving peanut butter. I carefully thought through our family history and determined, "nope, no peanut allergies", then I gave him some peanut butter toast.

It took me a minute to slap my forehead on that one! :-)

See how quickly they become your own?


Denise Bryant said...

That is too funny!! His baby dedication photos are very nice.

April said...

That is too funny! Sounds like something I would have done too!

...and what a waste you used up your thinking through power of the day...

Ted and Jill said...

Oh my goodness!!! I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

In the words of Homer SImpson...DOH! I actually had to read the post a couple of times to "get it". I'm a little slow.

kikstra said...

That is hilarious- I totally didn't get it either until I stopped for a minute (o.k., 5) to think about it.

Stacy said...

What a funny yet poignant story - I love it!

HeatherV said...

Awesome story :) Loved it - it brought tears to my eyes (that and the dedication part with the scripture).

Karen said...

That's very funny!

Laurzie said...

Hahaha! I love it!